Tips You Need To Know If You Have Bad Credit
These days, there is actually something worse than having no money and that is having a bad credit record. Not only will bad credit diminish your spending power, it also lessens your chance of being able to borrow money, and not to mention, it can definitely stain your reputation. If you do have bad credit, it is not the end of the world for you since you it is still very possible to repair your bad credit record.
The best way to clean up your name is by proving your ability to look after yourself in managing your finances. There are several steps of doing this, each one helping you clear your bad record and establish yourself as someone who would be ready to get credit in the future. Here are some tips that can help you if you have bad credit.
1. Settle all your accounts on time. Pay all bills as soon as you get them so you would not forget when the due date comes. Your payment history would be counted by as much as 35% in your credit rating. If you have enough funds, consider availing of automatic transfer so that your payment would indeed arrive on time always.
2. Show efforts that you are paying off...