What does buying a fat pig have to do with your business? Stick with me and all will be revealed.
Does your business have a tactical and a strategic way to go to market? Let’s go down to Mr. Hoover’s butcher shop to see how it’s done.
Mr. Hoover has been selling bacon and other pig products for years. That’s pretty tactical, but can result in a good continuing income stream. A lot of customers come in week after week to buy their bacon and ham and pork loin, after all.
But Mr. Hoover wants to develop another income stream. What, he wonders, if he could get people to buy the whole pig ahead of time.
And, maybe, he also could get customers to pay for a pig on the installment plan.
Then, Mr. Hoover could afford to buy more pigs basically for nothing. Customers would be paying for the upkeep. And, Mr. Hoover could even own a stud pig that he “rents” to other pig farmers. Yet another income stream. Sweet!
My tactical tool – or bacon – is email newsletters and marketing programs aimed at customer retention and loyalty. Once I’m in the door with email, I can develop a client relationship...