To Get That Revolutionary Look With Contacts, Remember A Few Things
Contact lenses have caught the fancy of youth like anything and seem determined to keep their success rate up for ever. Born as vision correction devices, they have traversed a checkered path to become fashion accessories of the modern times. They are so good at changing your looks that you suddenly appear metamorphosed into someone you are definitely not.
A lens gives a certain kind of look to one face and an altogether different look to another. One is left wondering where does the look come from- from the lens, from the face or from the interaction of both. Actually, the difference lies in the face and how the face, the lens and the color of the eyes mishmash with each other. So, now, the lens is king. However, there are a few things that every wearer of the contacts must keep in mind.
1.Keep them clean and disinfected at all times. Come back home, take them off and rinse them with the prescribed solution. That should be your routine daily with the lenses.
2.No overnight wearing. Going to bed with contacts on can be very harmful for the eyes even if you feel comfortable with...