Even students are now allowed to get their own credit cards, provided that they comply with certain requirements. Being qualified to get a credit card however doesnt necessarily mean youre ready for one.
Will You Be a Responsible Credit Cardholder?
Responsibility is the most important value that credit cardholders must have. Without a strong sense of responsibility, its easy for an individual to lose sight of whats right and whats wrong and be affected with the swiping disease: once you swipe, you just cant stop.
Ask yourself the following questions to determine your suitability to have your own a credit card:
Do You Have a Steady Source of Income?
If youre not working, are you receiving allowance from your parents? Can you say with all certainty that your allowance will be continuously given? If the money flowing into your account is irregular at best, this may not yet be the right time to get a credit card.
Are You Addicted to Shopping?
If you are, youll have an extremely hard time once youve gotten hold of your credit card. Credit cards are wonderful objects but they tend to make individuals spend more than what they can...