Detaching from the outcome is by far the hardest step to manifesting what you want. If you examined the core failure for most people it is the inability to let go and trust that what they want will absolutely come. If you are successfully able to detach from the fear that it may not happen you will yield outstanding results.
Have you ever noticed that the things you like but dont care too very much about happen very fast? Maybe you have the desire to meet a particular friend, you think about him or her and your desire is quite strong but you are not worried or stress out about it. Maybe later that day someone tells you that they met that person and he or she would like to find you too. This sort of thing happens every day in our lives but we disregard it as a coincidence. Truly this is the art of manifesting.
Fear and worry rules the lives of most people and if you are unable to detach from the illusion of tomorrow and first see where you are in the moment then you are unlikely to be successful at manifesting what you want.
Where ever you are and whatever you are feeling now in this moment is creating your reality. How then do you detach from what...