Toddlers and Productivity — Top 3 Ways To Make It Work
It almost sounds too good to be true, work-at-home while at the same time taking care of your small children? While you’ve daydreamed about this, you never really thought it was something you could actually do.
I started working at home for this very reason. I didn’t want to have to put my baby in daycare. Fortunately, I found a business as a writer where I could do just that. However, not all home businesses are as compatible.
Here are 3 ways to make working at home with the kids around work for you.
1) Find a business you will LOVE running and will be possible with the kids around.
Sure, you might be able to get a job as a telephone order person for LL Bean from home. The only problem is your 5 month old may not agree.
Your first assignment is to figure out what exactly are your priorities. They could be anywhere from not wanting your kids in a daycare for 12 hours a day to wanting to raise your children yourself.
2) Daycare
There are days where I say to myself, “Liz, you could sure get a whole lot done if you didn’t have your...