Toenail Fungus- Toenail Fungus Treatments That Work and Those That Dont
The basic premise behind this odd sounding natural toenail fungus treatment is to soften nails with beer, create an acidic environment with vinegar which is beneficial to good bacteria and deadly to fungus and then penetrate nails with specific beneficial bacteria to help kill and prevent further recurrences.
Essential Ingredients:
Acidophilus Sachets containing a specific strain of 125 billion organisms.
Guiness Stout beer or any other dark beer (Guiness is the one proven to work).
White Vinegar
Basin big enough for your feet or hands
Persistence and Consistency
Natural Toenail Fungus Treatment Procedure:
In tub, pour 1 liter of room temperature beer into a basin
Add 1/2 a sachet which is 60 billion acidophilus and other strains.
Add 1 liter of White vinegar
Soak clean feet in the solution for 30 minutes before bed or when best for you.
On removing your feet or fingernails from the basin, file the nails down with a pumice stone or file
After each 3rd day, toss out the entire solution mixture and...