Now a credit card is something any American can’t do without. Credit cards make your life easier, there’s no need in carrying much cash in your wallet, using a credit card means having great opportunities. It’s a well known fact.
And what a shame that young Americans under 18 can’t indulge themselves in such a simple everyday pleasure as owing a credit card. Generally, consumers have to wait till they turn 18, only then they can apply for a credit card.
But children grow much faster than it seems. And some of them get quite mature by 16-17. They have a part-time job, they earn money and it’s quite clear they have some needs by this age. Having a credit card could give them more extend their possibilities and teach them to manage money in a sensible way.
However, youngsters have some alternatives to getting their own credit card.
The first option they have is to be added to an adult’s credit card account as an authorized user. If you want your son or daughter to have an access to your account, you are to contact the issuer and request to have an authorized user added.
In this case your child gets a separate...