You must never underestimate the value of having good credit. You will definitely need your credit score in the future. For example if you are a student, youll need to borrow a certain amount using a student loan in order to attend school. At this point, your credit history will definitely matter and will have a big impact on getting you the funds that you need.
If you are applying for a student loan, your creditor or the lending institution will probably request a copy of your credit report and the credit score, which comes from an authorized credit-reporting agency. This will help identify your credit criteria and will determine if you are qualified for a loan. And if you are, your credit score will influence what interest rate you will be paying for the funds.
You must be able to demonstrate good credit to be approved by most of the private student loans. This also applies to the loans you might need such as auto loans, business loans and mortgages.
Heres what you can do to keep your credit score high and your credit good.
1. Make your payments prompt and timely. Make sure that you dont miss any deadline.
2. Pay the minimum monthly...