Hair removal nowadays is becoming popular. Its quickly becoming a must do in the fashion world. Today there are lots of hair removal methods that exist and lots of new methods being developed. In this article we will discuss the top 3 most popular hair removal methods. In this way you can decide which method is best for you that fits on your budget, pain tolerance and desired results.
Waxing is a method that using wax adhesives to remove large amounts of hair in an area.
Waxing may be done in cold or hot method. Because waxing removes hair from the roots, result may last around three to eight weeks. Waxing is also fairly economical.
Hot waxing involves applying a thin layer hot wax in an area, after its cooled its quickly torn off. Cold waxing involves a strip with pre-heated wax and rubbed into skin and also removed in one quick pull. Most people favor hot waxing for they say its more effective than the cold one.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal has all the rave nowadays. Although the method is an expensive one, but the results are close to permanent. People say its economical than waxing and other methods in the long...