Have you been given the job of organising a fundraising event and are stuck for ideas? Here’s seven great and simple ideas that you can organise:-
Cookie Dough fundraisers
This is an ideal fundraiser for all times of the year. Just take orders and sell tubs of delicious cookie dough to your group. Profit margins 30-50%.
Fundraising Cookbooks
Often described as a recipe for fundraising success (groan!) – creating a personalized cookbook is ideal for groups such as churches, schools, charities and hospitals. New publishing techniques make it easy to profit from selling just a few or even hundreds of cookbooks. Profit per book from $3-$10.
Pizza Fundraiser cards
People will be happy to pay for these cards which entitle them to free pizzas. If your group is spread out geographically, this may be ideal. Ideal for small groups due to small minimum order requirements. Profit margins 70-90%.
Scratch card fundraising
Easy to order and can be printed to link to your group e.g. basketball, baseball, high school, etc. Each person in your group begins fundraising with 1 scratch...