Top 7 Things You Must Know Before Dealing with Your Next Difficult Customer
1. Anger precludes rationality.
Angry customers simply cannot rationalize. This is because they are so wrapped up in the emotion of anger that everything you say is filtered through their emotions. Anger is an emotion and emotions are experienced in the right side of the brain. Rationalizing, problem solving, listening, and negotiating are all left-brain activities and your angry customer is stuck in the right side of the brain, and therefore cannot be expected to rationalize with you.
2. Anger must be acknowledged.
Its not productive for you to ignore anger or tiptoe around it. There is something known as the communication chain. When people communicate, they expect the person or persons they are communicating with to respond or reactthis response or reaction is a link in the communication chain. A failure to respond to communication leaves the communication chain unlinkedbroken. For example, If I walk into my office and say… Hello Sherry, how are you? ….and she says absolutely nothing, shes broken the communication chain. And that leaves me...