Top 7 Tips For Repairing Bad Credit To Purchase Or Refinance A Home
Your credit report and credit score makes huge differences in your life, and in your finances. If you have a great credit score, your home, car, insurance, and more will cost you thousands less because you are deemed credit worthy. If you have poor credit, you can be denied a home loan, refinance, and even auto insurance. Yet, most people have absolutely no idea what is necessary to improve their own credit score to accomplish their goals. If you follow these tips, you are sure to see your score improve.
1) Avoid Fee Credit Repair Services
Everyone has seen the credit repair signs on the side of the road and the advertisers online promising to fix your credit for a fee. Although there may be reputable credit repair specialists somewhere, I have never met one, and I have dealt with many credit repair specialists. If you choose to enter into a contract with a credit repair specialist you will likely hear from them only once per month when their service fee is due.
However, there is quality help available. Find a Realtor or Mortgage Broker who specializes in credit repair. The beauty...