Todays credit card market has lots of different options for consumers to choose from. How do consumers know which one of these might be right for them? It is important to do enough research to figure out exactly whats a good fit for your personal or business use. Here are a few of the best credit cards on the market for different individuals and businesses today.
American Express Clear Credit Card
The Clear Card from American Express is one of the top cards for people with high volume needs. American Express has taken an interesting approach with this new card in that they have tried to minimize costs for cardholders. This is a strange concept for credit card companies, as they usually try to make their cash on fees and such. The Clear card has eliminated late and over the limit fees and it offers an extremely affordable interest rate. If you want to get this card, you should be full prepared to have excellent credit. It is only offered to people with a record beyond reproach. This is another example of how important your credit score is. Make sure you always pay your bills on time.
Citi offers an excellent card for students. They understand that young...