“What are the top foreign languages to learn?” is probably the most frequent question I get asked by people who just start to learn a foreign language.
The assumption behind this question is usually that learning any language is an endlessly tiring task. For many, it’s a lot like asking “Which mountain should I climb first? The Everest or the Kilimanjaro?”
But what if I told you that you can master any language you set out to learn within 6 to 12 months? Would the choice of languages still be a problem?
You may be working on one or even several languages already, then it’s good that you know which languages you want to master. But if you don’t, you might be tempted to ask questions like “which are the top foreign languages to learn”, and “which language is the most useful?”, “which one should I start off learning?”
Some people may tell you that “the answer to your question “depends on the goal you want to achieve”, but something tells me that it’s not the answer you’d like to hear.
If you have ever asked one of those questions, I suppose...