One of my strategy to become a millionaire is through properties. I wanted to accumulate a net worth of 1 million in properties. My strategy is to get 5 properties with good rental yield (8% and above). I will be living in one of this property. So if one property is average 200K, 5 property will be 1 million.
I will be able to generate income from the property. So my estimated income generated from rental will be 200K X 4 X 0.08 = 64K per year (X 4 because only 4 property will be rented out). However in the initial stage I will not be able to put the rental income into my pocket because the income will need to be used to offset the installment.
I plan to accumulate all my 5 properties within 5 years time, 1 per year. Right now I own 2 properties. One of the property that I lived in, and another one is rented out. So I have another 3 to go. My strategy is to settle the property that I lived in as fast as possible. I am targeting to settle that in less than 5 years time. For the rented properties I plan not to settle if fast at the moment as I need to focus on the property that I lived in first.
Sounds easy huh. Actually not as easy though. First you need to...