In trading psychology, there are two kinds of traders mindset. One that fails to seal a deal and one the recovers from failures. There are traders who see failures just a small setback. And experience where they get to objectify what went wrong to avoid similar mistakes to happen again. A winning trader sees these setback a parts of the steps towards success.
The mindset of a losing trader does not work this way. Success only comes to those who really really want it. Losing traders tend to take responsibility for their actions. They tend to blame external factors for their mistakes and losses. In order for a losing trader to become a winner trader, one must take responsibility for his action.
Every successful trader has a dream to succeed. Their thoughts are followed by actions. Losing traders tend to leave their thoughts hanging. They may spend too much of their time talking or visualizing. What is required is action. Traders who think too much tend to look for the perfect opportunity in a deal. What happens is that they also tend to switch or move from one method to another making it difficult for them to find the sign that they are looking for.