It is said that trading is 90% psychological and 10% methodological. Does this then imply that regardless of trading method, a trader that has control over their emotional issues will thus be a profitable trader, or will it be impossible to ever control emotions without the proficient implementation of method? The trading method viewpoint will suggest that not only are these statistics not the case – trading psychology does not exist. Trading method will be the determinant of profitability, and this will be done through: (1) the ability to understand the method’s inherent strengths and weaknesses (2) the ability to maximize these strengths and minimize the weaknesses.
The Trading Method Viewpoint
Trading psychology has become so widely discussed and promoted through books and consultants that it has become a very convenient rationalization and excuse for losing. Why take the responsibility for a lack of work ethic and trading without any concept of plan, an honest assessment which would be a hit on the traders self-esteem when you can just blame it on trading psychology instead?
Trading psychology is something that a trader creates...