When you have decided to jump aboard, sit down and take stock of your finances. Dont go by the myth: the more you invest the more you reap. Its no fixed deposit.
Invest the money you can live without and dont invest the sum you cant live without. That would be a disaster. Identify the strong stocks, invest on them and play safe. Of course, that is until you understand the market.
Dont invest all your money on one or two stocks that looks like a winner. Sure, the possibility of hitting jackpot is higher, but look at the downside, if the handpicked stocks of yours fail then you lose everything.
Its always wise to distribute your investment on a set of stocks that you believe has the strength to stay stable and expect no dramatic downturns.
There is no short cut to success. You have to go through the grind. Equal distribution of the investment sum would pay rich dividends.
Importantly, invest money from your savings and never go for a debt sum to see you through the fortune market. Be prepared! Even though stock trading sounds more of a gamble than a chore, it has the quality to make you reach the pinnacle or pull you down the drain.
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