Trading systems for Metastock usually use indicators and oscillators known from the technical analysis. Apart form simple systems which are based on one or two indicators, there are also many complex platforms that are able to adapt themselves to the current market conditions. They recognize whether there is a trend or consolidation and choose the most suitable strategy.
Metastock trading systems enable testing your individual trading ideas based on historical data which makes it easier to take decisions on their future use. Although creating and testing the Metastock trading systems is usually time-consuming and requires considerable expertise, it brings profits in the long term. To earn high profits you should combine particular tools of technical analysis into one coherent and logic integrity. While building a Metastock trading system you need to make sure it is logic and coherent, not only thinking of the possible profits it could bring you based on historic data. First of all you should define the operating conditions of the system, when it should be unbeaten and when it might fail. This will let you check if the eventual losses result from the error in the strategy...