When a site owner wants to develop increased site visitation they often rely on help from online companies that offer traffic building assistance. The sales pitch is aimed squarely at online businesses that may be in the average or below average sales category.
The inference is often that there can be a significant return on investment and that even a small portion of converted customers will more than pay for the investment.
Most of the customers that use traffic building services are surprised when they find all the promised hits and none of the inferred sales.
The site bandwidth is minimized in a traffic-building scheme some might describe as a cyber money pit. Throw as much money in as you want and you still have nothing to show for it.
This is not to say there arent reputable traffic building firms available, but you really should ask as many questions as possible before you begin the process.
You might consider asking for a comprehensive listing of what sites your ecommerce site will be advertised on. If they dont want to provide the information you might move along.
You might consider asking if any free accounts have to be...