Transferring Credit Card Debt May Be Hazardous To Your Financial Health
Credit card companies now make it so easy to transfer one credit card balance to another. We get so bombarded with all the advertisements for balance transfers it’s hard to decide what company to do business with.
Transferring your balance from one card to another is basically the same as consolidating your debt, without actually going through the process of a formal debt consolidation loan. Transferring balances from many accounts to fewer accounts will not necessarily raise your score, because the same total amount is still owed. This may actually lower your credit score, because it could be an indication that you are unable to manage your money and need to transfer your balance to make it easier to pay your debts.
The only reason you should transfer one credit card balance to another card is to save money and reduce your total debt owed. The mistake many people make is by not reading the credit card agreement or credit card disclosure agreement, which is what the credit card companies are hoping for. When you receive your monthly statement, you are shocked to see the new...