Translation for the global travel industry: attention to detail pays
As the World Travel Market opens in London, with over 50,000 representatives from 190 different countries, what better time to consider how travel and tourism as a sector can best respond to the challenge of communicating internationally and growing overseas markets. Travel and tourism is an inherently international industry, and is already one of the largest online market sectors. But companies in this sector could grow their revenue significantly if they were to address the localisation of products more professionally and market themselves more effectively on the Internet.
Tailoring your message to speak the buyers language
The simple fact is that you need to address users of your service in their own language. Although English is the international business language, research has shown that even fluent English speakers are much more likely to buy from a company whose website has content in their native tongue. Producing and maintaining multi-lingual content has become even more important in the last couple of years, as Internet growth in emerging markets has reduced the market share of...