Packing your bags for a cruise may seem like a no-brainer but there is travel preparation involved. While forgetting an item or two wont ruin your vacation, it will create unnecessary headaches and hassles. Here are some things to remember when packing for your trip.
Cruise ships are not required to have doctors or medical facilities. That being said, there is usually a first aid station and a physician or nurse onboard. The ships gift shop usually stocks some basic over the counter medication but youll pay for the convenience. You can also purchase things at your ports of call but dealing with this hassle can take away from enjoying your trip.
First off, make a list of the things that you usually forget. After youre done packing consult your list to make sure you havent forgotten anything.
Be prepared for the sun. The sun can be the most deceiving in cool weather destinations or when it is overcast. While returning with a nice bronze glow can be ideal, dont be over anxious. Bring sun block and sunscreen and apply it frequently. Getting a burn early on in your vacation will limit your activities on your cruise ship tour and make for a less...