Travel bags especially specialized travel bags, made by certain manufacturers are more well known in the market than any other brands. These brands over the period of time have carved a niche for themselves since these have been manufacturing quality leather goods consistently over a period of time. These brands are the ones where the name is trusted and people prefer to buy these for quality, style and the fashion statement made by the brand name.
Some such brand names are the ones like the American Tourister which manufactures traveling bags in huge range. These bags offer high quality, high styling and excellent zippers and locking systems. The bags also have a huge range and come in different capacities. Some of these bags also offer the advantage of being expandable, so you can change the size as and when you need it. These bags are also fitted with trolleys and therefore easily transportable from one place to another.
There are also other brands like the Atlantic, etc. who offer similar type of highly functional luggage with high styling and good convenience. These brands manufacture the traveling bags generally from ballistic nylon material and not from...