There are many causes to deafness problems. It could be genetic, from an accident, an illness or the side effects of medication. One thing you have to keep in mind though is that it is not an illness but a symptom of an underlying disorder.
Deafness problems can be classified into two namely conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. The first one can be treated surgically or medically. The second cannot be corrected which is why the use of implants is very common.
Your doctor will only know the degree of your deafness problem after reviewing the results of the audiology test.
There are different types of conductive hearing loss. These are namely blocked Eustachian tubes, fluid in the ear, infection, infected mastoid bone, otosclerosis, ruptured eardrums and wax buildup.
If you happen to have blocked Eustachian tubes, the doctor will have to insert tubes to the eardrum to stop the blockage.
Fluid in the ear is usually caused by an infection. It may go away on its own which is why doctors will wait and see what happens before draining it after making a small incision in the ear drum.
In the event that you have an ear...