Do you suffer from acid reflux or frequent heartburn? The burning sensation at the back of your throat or down by the breat bone can be quite painful. Most physicians will first recommend lifestyle modifications for treatment of acid reflux. Preventative measures are the preferred method of relief.
Lifestyle Modifications
* Avoid soft drinks that contain caffeine. Other foods to avoid are chocolate, peppermint, spicy foods, acidic foods like oranges, canned tomatoes, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels and sprouts.
* Milk and milk-based products contain calcium and fat, so should be avoided before bedtime.
* Avoiding food for 2 hours before bedtime and not lying down after a meal are frequently recommended lifestyle modifications.
* Elevation to the head of the bed is the next-easiest to implement. Products are also available as seen on tv that will elevate the head of your bed through the use of an inflatable mattress lifter. This is an ideal low cost solution for relief from acid reflux.
You can also accomplish the correct elevation by placing cinder blocks as noted above or with other items: plastic or wooden bed...