In the performance parts industry, people tend to use the words parts and accessories interchangeably, while others see a difference. So whats the difference, for example, between truck parts and truck accessories if many of them serve the same basic function? It depends on who you ask.
Because the words parts and accessories each encompass a large number of products that overlap and can therefore be categorized as either, people tend to the use the words interchangeably without any regard to the difference. In reality, when dealing with the performance parts industry, the word only overlaps in certain instances, and even then opinions will vary as to which factors apply. Truck parts and truck accessories each have their own list of included products, which meet in the middle depending on their intended use, as well as their categorization as an OEM or aftermarket product.
A truck parts advisor for example, may tell you that a truck part has a more generic definition, and includes everything from repair, maintenance, and restoration, to interior and exterior enhancement. Such products may include oil filters, air filters, shocks, spoilers, or headlamps, as they in...