Because credit cards are now becoming more and more popular and competition among credit card institutions are getting stiff, credit card issuers are now finding ways to attract more potential clients to apply for their credit card. In fact, some credit card issuers even send emails and traditional postal mails to prospective clients in order to reach out to people and tell them about their credit card offers.
This is a form of marketing strategy which is aimed to attract more potential credit card users. Today, one kind of promotional offer that is definitely working is the 0% APR credit card offer. Although this may seem too good to be true, 0% credit card offers really exists. However, before you rush off and apply for this kind of credit card, you need to understand the offer first in order to make sure that you are getting the right kind of credit card.
An APR (annual percentage rate) is what credit card issuers use to compute the total percentage that will be charged on your purchases, cash advances and other fees. In this case, a 0% APR is definitely a very attractive offer. However, you have to face the fact that this kind of offer is only a promotional...