Generating a decent income for one’s self isn’t as hard as you may think. The truth is, practically anybody can make money these days! See, the thing is, we all have some type of skill; or just a raw talent that could potentially earn us some serious cash. If people would just think outside the box a little bit when it comes to making money, they would probably realize that they could be making a lot more cash then they are now.
You gotta ask yourself, “is there a certain skill that I have that others would pay for?” There’s a good chance that you do. For example, say that you love to draw, and you’ve been doing it your entire life, receiving compliment after compliment about how great your work is. To you, it might just be a cool hobby of yours; but to some, that hobby of yours is worth paying for. People are always looking for someone to draw there new logo or tattoo; and as popular as tattoo’s are, you should have no problem finding eager clients.
What about that one kid in the neighborhood that knows absolutely everything there is to know about computers? You know the one that everyone goes to whenever...