What if you could take something you love to do and turn it into an ebook?
Ebooks are a huge thing right now. A customer can simply purchase an ebook and download it in a few minutes. Now they can begin learning something new right from their computer. Do you have a hobby that you could teach others to do? Here are a few examples of hobbies that would make great ebooks.
There are lots of people that enjoy making their own crafts from wood. There are so many different types of woodworking projects that a person could write several ebooks on the topic. You could write an ebook on how to make wooden outdoor furniture. You could write an ebook on making wooden toys for children In the ebook explain to the reader the types of tools you would need to make each project, and the materials required for each job. You can also include the plans for a few projects, with step by step instructions on how to build the item. Include pictures in your ebook of the project through various steps to help the reader know they are doing it right.
Golfing is a huge hobby. Almost every golfer has their own secrets that they think help them improve...