Have you read the best selling novel Twilight? A lot of people are going crazy over Edward and Bella. What does this have to do with life coaching? Read on to find out.
Bella Swan
Bella is the heroin of the series. She is bright, shy, insecure, intelligent, quiet, clumsy, and beautiful. The book begins with Bella moving into the town of forks to live with her dad because her mom have to move a lot because of her step dads job. On her first day of school Bella sees Edward and without meaning to she seems pulled into a trance, she cant help her self he has this magnetic presence. Despite the danger and warning signs Bella goes for Edward. Let us pretend that Bella is our heart.
Edward Cullen
Oh my gosh!!! Everyone is gushing! He really is handsome anyone can admit that. Mysterious, is what every girls dream and yet In turmoil because of his undeniable gravitation towards Bella, Edward fights an inner demon: Himself. He distinguishes between his passion for Bella and his appetite for her. Successfully he is able to choose to be with her without harming her. Equipped with mind reading powers it is appropriate for us to say that Edward represents our...