Text-Based Logo Design
The mainly extensively used of all logo types; the Text-Based design focuses on text and style but can include other elements as well. A Text-Based design may be best suited for corporations whose name successfully portray what they do (TCS Couriers, Home Freight) devoid of graphical essentials to communicate that message, a literal explanation of the words is often necessary. (For example, all of us know it very well that Wal-Mart is a very big mart because its logo design actually explains it all.)
A Text-Based design is often text only with exclusive typographic behavior (e.g. Microsoft, Yahoo). Most frequently however, the business name is included mutually with easy graphic elements to create a clean, simple individuality. The depiction of the word in essence turns out to be a representation of the business.
Prefer a Text-Based design when:
Communication funds are inadequate and should be paying attention on name recognition.
Your name is logically distinguishing but not (yet) a household word.
You want to correlate products or subsidiaries with the parent more clearly and directly than a symbol permits....