Since the introduction of contact lenses years ago, the eye product has gone through various changes and innovations to meet the needs of the consumers. There are now more than ten types of contact lenses each with its own characteristics. You can get a prescription from an eye doctor and decide on your own which specific brand and type of lenses you want. If you find the task difficult, you can also ask the doctor for his suggested brands and contact lens type. The following are the types of contact lenses you can use depending on your needs and preferences:
Daily wear soft lenses made of soft polymer plastic, these contact lenses allow oxygen to pass through providing a higher level of comfort than rigid gas permeable lenses. Disposable soft lenses fall also under this category. They are called daily wear contact lenses because they require daily cleaning. Although most daily wear soft lenses are disposable there are also those that can be worn for one whole year. Disadvantages of these types of lenses include: easy absorption of oils and lotions from your hand which can irritate your eyes and also less durability than hard lenses
Disposable soft lenses-...