If youre new to the credit card world and you just started up college or youre just looking for that particular credit card, you may think at first that youre going to get a boring credit card that offers nothing for you. What youre going to find out is that there are a lot of credit cards out there designed for students that offer a lot of rewards and options.
Like most credit cards, credit card companies dont rip off the student crowd. From gas rewards to cash rewards, youll be able to find cards that fit your needs. A few differences you may see in the credit card are the slightly higher interest rate and low credit limit. This of course can be improved over time when you prove to the credit card companies that youre a responsible candidate. This is the purpose of a credit score.
Before you apply for your credit card, you should know what kind of cards that are out there that caters to college students.
Point Rewards System
A majority of the cards youll probably look at offer a point reward system. A popular reward system if Citi Banks Thank You Network. The concept is fairly simple. Every dollar you spend, youll receive a point. These points then...