During the summer of 1974, significant events were taking place. On August 5th, Congress placed a monetary limit on aid to the military in Vietnam. On August 8th, the scandal-ridden Nixon presidency ended with Richard Nixon offering his resignation. On August 9th, he resigned and Gerald Ford became the 38th President of the United States. On August 15th, the First Lady of South Korea was killed in an assignation attempt on her husband, President Park Chung Hee. On the night of August 25th, an event of cataclysmic proportions occurred that few were aware of then. A UFO crashed in Mexico, resulting in the deaths of the Mexican soldiers who attempted to retrieve it.
So much in the study of UFOs (Ufology) and Alien Abductees (Abductology) is forced, by the nature of the beast, to rely on the stories of eyewitness accounts. This can be a very good thing or a very bad thing, depending on the credibility of the account, the witness, and if the story can be corroborated by additional witnesses. Mass daylight sightings by scores of people seem to offer the most credibility. These mass-sighting events cannot be so easily debunked although the “mass hallucination” label...