When deciding to rent a limo first decide on what is the occasion you are renting a limo. You also want to have a plan of your ideal night. Next decide on what are the cities you will be renting the limo in. Next decide on how many passengers will be going in the limo with you. Lastly you want to estimate about how many hours you will need the limo.
How many passengers do you have and are they all going to fit? How do you know to decide what size of vehicle you want? First think what type of occasion is this. For example if the occasion were to be wedding and you as the bride had a big princess dress, would you not want anyone to sit on it or step on the dress in the limo. For something like that make sure you think about how much room each person needs. This bride may have ten people total in her party, but needs to count her dress as 2 passengers to protect it. You do not want to be upset on your wedding day because someone in the limo spilled something on you because you were all tight inside. Some occasions as proms kids do not mind having to sit on each others laps, as long as they can all fit in their limo. When planning a corporate affair, you want to make sure...