The ease with which a student can go online and find an abundance of college courses can lead many to think that all courses are legitimate. Distance learning schools have the same opportunity for accreditation as college campuses. Although distance learning schools are under no obligation to apply for accreditation, any school worth its’ grain in salt will want to be accredited. Accreditation says to other schools and employers that the academic instruction has been developed well and provides a rigorous education.
When applying to a university or college most students never worry about accreditation status because the college or university is well known and reputable. However, with the popularity of distance learning increasing, many unaccredited colleges are cropping up in distance learning search directories.
Accreditation is a process that reputable schools go through for their course offerings to be accepted by other accredited institutions. It is very important that you consider the accreditation status of any distance learning courses you take. Unaccredited schools offer courses that appear similar to other courses from accredited institutions, but...