It can be incredibly difficult to attend college when you are a little bit older and have professional and personal responsibilities that make attending classes somewhat difficult. Sadly, despite the fact that a significant percentage of working students attending college many colleges have never developed a proper method of accommodating these students. In all fairness, part of the reason that colleges have not accommodated such students is the lack of a format capable of accommodating everyone. In other words, the school can not have 145 English 101 courses offer per day with each class starting a five minutes after the hour, ten minutes after the hour, fifteen minutes after the hour, and so on. Well, the problem of accommodation is on the verge of extinction thanks to the arrival of the online college format which is an internet multimedia correspondence program that is FAR MORE credible than the silly mail order education systems of decades past.
Granted, there will be certain courses that will require attending a brick and mortar school. Courses that involve a great deal of laboratory work will need closer supervision, for example. However, when it comes to lecture...