One of the most frustrating and irritating skin conditions that can afflict a person is body acne. Indeed, when a person is afflicted with body acne, that men or woman — or young person — aches for relief from the condition that cause an itchy sensation in the best case scenario and pain in the worst of all situations.
Left without proper and effective treatment, body acne can actually end up festering and causing infection and ultimately permanent damage to the skin in the form of irreversible scarring. Therefore, if you are a person who is experiencing the early stages of body acne or if you are in the midst of a full blown body acne outbreak, it is imperative that you undertake a proper course of treatment.
Primary Causes of Body Acne
In many instances, there is not a solitary or primary cause for a body acne condition or outbreak. Rather, in many cases, a body acne outbreak is the result of a combination of factors — an acne perfect storm, if you will.
One significant contributing factor to an outbreak of body acne is a lack of effective cleansing. By this it is not meant that a person fails to bathe. Rather, what is meant that...