With so many things going on in this world today, we feel that the Bible has no connections at all in present time. This article will explain, and reveal to you that the Bible The Word Of The Living God, has more to do with our time, more than ever before. In the first three chapters of Genesis, it shows how Adam and Eve, were taken out of the Garden due to sin, and taken away from the Holy presence of God. The good news is that the book of Revelation has the keys that will unlock Heavens gates, and enter us Back into paradise, where we will be able to live with Jesus the Son of God, and the King of Kings Forever, and
However, a lot of us today do not understand the book of Revelations, and we then translate it into our own interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 clearly says that “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
So if it is not of private interpretation then how can I as an
individual understand Bible Prophecy?
1. Before Opening The Bible always say a word of prayer, and ask the Lord to provide you with wisdom, and understanding. In James 1:5 it says that “If any of...