If you have a credit card or are looking to get one, it is important that you understand the ins and outs of credit card APR. Credit card APR is the biggest factor in determining how much you pay for your credit card, and so to get the best deal you need to know what it is and how it works. Here is some advice regarding the ins and out of credit card APR.
What is APR?
APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, and is a measure of the cost of the credit you borrow. The APR is the amount that you pay yearly in interest on the money that you borrow on your credit card.
How much is credit card APR?
Credit card APR can vary massively depending on your financial situation, the type of card you want and the deals on offer. Generally, credit card APR ranges from 10-18%. If you shop around then you will find the best deal for your needs.
How do I find out the APR?
Credit card APR is very easy to find out, and all lenders are required to tell you the APR of a card before you sign up for it. Also, credit cards are generally advertised by the cost of their APR.
Comparing APR
If you are trying to find the best credit card deal, then there...