Some of us may have or may not have heard about the 4Cs that are important to consider when thinking of purchasing diamonds. These considerations are very important because a diamond doesnt come cheap. Investing in a diamond requires a considerable amount of money and without some knowledge on these matters; you may end up paying more for something that may not be worth for the amount you have foregone.
A diamonds CUT is important for a diamond to shine and sparkle. A diamond has the quality to break light into the colors of the rainbow and has the ability to reflect light. For a diamond to achieve brilliance its facets or sides needs to be cut and polished in the right shape and size and must be angled appropriately with other facets to produce an exquisite stone. As the years progressed, diamond cutters have discovered those cuts that give the diamonds their best and greatest brilliance. The most popular cut nowadays is the brilliant cut which has a round shape and has 58 facets. It is important to take note that a diamonds cut accounts for more or less 40% of the price of the diamond.
A diamonds COLOR may range from colorless with a slight tint of...