Understanding Intense Emotions — How To Manage Today’s Heightened Levels Of Stress
Today’s world is changing at the most accelerated rates ever, and our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits are all being affected by these larger changes. Have you noticed recently that you’re experiencing more intense emotions? Many people are feeling a heightened sense of emotional intensity, so we are seeing more incidents of disruptive outbursts and behaviors, and also more positive emotions related to expanding love, that are inspiring people to take more risks within their interpersonal relationships, and in relation to important life choices.
The human heart is growing larger on a spiritual level, expanding beyond its perceived small boundaries of focus on the self. The growth of technology and the process of spiritual evolution on the Earth have created unprecedented levels of communication between people, and also between humanity and the planet Earth that we live upon. It has become clear that our previously self oriented behaviors have created multiple planetary crises that must be addressed. Each of us is being called by the time we live...