You may notice that wherever you go today, you will see all kinds of advertisements for all kinds of credit cards from regular credit cards to cash back credit cards. With rebate credit cards, the cardholder is given back a portion of his purchase in the way of a percentage of the total amount spent in a billing period or annually. These rebates are normally somewhere between 1% and 5%.
There are so many credit card companies for you to choose from and each one of them really wants your business. Without consumers, the credit card companies cannot make profits to keep them up and running, therefore they are all battling over you. Yes, you! Every one of them desires to have you as a loyal cardholder especially if you have good or excellent credit. To make their credit cards more appealing they come up with many unique incentives to draw you in and use their credit cards. This is where rebate credit cards are so appealing. You can purchase all the items you normally purchase at your favorite stores and receive credit card rebates just for using these cards.
You can receive up to 5% cash back with many of these cash back card offers just for shopping at grocery...