When you are searching for small business credit cards, you want to protect yourself from wasting money. Wasting money can have your business in bankruptcy in no time.
The major things you should search in a small business credit card are competitively low interest rates, generous credit lines, and of course, good customer service. You do not want a card with a high interest rate, particularly if you carry a balance on your credit card and do not have the time to sit on hold to talk with customer service if you have a problem with the card.
Do some investigating prior to applying for the card by calling customer service in advance. Be sure they are friendly and courteous. Ask them about how they handle late payments. You should try your best to find a small business credit card that is flexible especially if you are just starting out in your business.
While searching for small business credit cards, do not just look for those great introductory offers that may be a great deal for a few months only to lower the boom on you later. You may see that you can get a small business credit card with a 0% interest rate and even 0% balance transfers, however, this...