To understand how to avoid stop words, you first have to understand what stop words are. Search engines have words or phrases that are considered stop words. When a spider or crawler encounters one of these stop words, they will immediately leave your website and any information they gathered from it will not be saved in their database. This means that your website will not be indexed. If your website is already indexed in a searched engine, the crawler will come back to see if there are updates — and if it finds stop words when it does this, then your site could get banned from the search engine. You will not be allowed to remove the words and re-submit: its too late.
Different search engines have different lists, but some are nearly universal usually words that refer to sites with graphic sexual content, or other adult material. We cant really put a list here, or youd never find this page! You should be able to tell what they are for the most part, but remember, pornographic web sites will often get indexed as well. The norm for search engines is that they will attempt to avoid content that is illegal. When they encounter adult oriented sites, they will...