Cash back credit cards are cards that reward the cardholder with cash back incentives for purchases made with the card. But, believe it or not, not all cash back credit cards are created equally. In addition, there is a lot to understand about cash back credit cards before deciding if they are the right choice for you.
How Cash Back Credit Cards Works
The precise system used by cash back credit cards varies with each card and with each lender. For the most part, however, cash back credit cards provide cardholders with a certain amount of points for every purchase made. Or, they provide cardholders with cash back in the form of a certain percentage of the total purchases made.
Many cash back credit cards provide extra incentives for making purchases with certain companies for making certain types of purchases. For example, a gas cash back credit card might pay out a higher percentage for purchases made at gas stations. Or, it may be even more specific and only pay a higher percentage if the gas is purchased from a particular gas station. The way you receive the cash back reward can vary, as well. Obviously, the best cash back credit cards are the...