Automobile manufacturers have automobile dealerships to sell their cars. When you walk on to a car lot to buy a car, you expect it to be full of cars of a particular make, or maybe two makes, but you have a fairly good idea of what will be available. So you are neither surprised not offended when all the cars offered to you come from one or two manufacturers.
A franchise broker markets the franchises of a specific group of companies. Like a car salesperson, a franchise broker gets a commission for every successful franchise sale. If you are seriously looking for your own franchise, you will eventually encounter a franchise broker.
Broker Vs. Consultant
A franchise broker will be able to offer you a treasure trove of information regarding those franchise companies he or she represents. This information will probably not be available from anywhere else, including a franchising consultant. A good franchise broker will be able to confirm or contradict the accuracy of what your franchising consultant has told you, but only as it applies to the companies whose franchises he or she brokers.
As with an automobile dealership and its cars, a franchise broker...