Whats the Google dance? Well, its really just a fun phrase for when Google updates its index. This occurs regularly, once a month, and can cause a lot of movement in rankings, meaning that its come to be feared by many in the SEO industry and anticipated by others. The update isnt just one sudden switch, though, as each index update takes several days to complete. During this update the searches seem to dance between the old index and new index thats the Google dance.
So why does it happen? Well, Google pulls its results from over ten thousand servers, and they cant all be updated at once Google would have to go down for the update. Instead, each server is updated with the new index, one at a time. This can cause very strange behavior in the page rank process if two major sites located on separate servers happen to have a close linking bond. These sorts of separations are interesting and can contribute to a great deal of change and motion in page ranks. The most important thing to keep in mind is that eventually Google will get you into your proper place. Generally, if you behave, you will not be thrown down for long by the odd activity that can occur when Google is in...